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    Home > Events > Sunday Funday with Eden Bann Cuties Baby Animals

    Sunday Funday with Eden Bann Cuties Baby Animals

    All Ages Arena Baby Animals

    December 17 2023

    Start: 12:00am

    Finish: 2:00pm

    Join us for an awesome weekend celebration with a delightful Sunday Lunch outing alongside your family & friends! Hang out at Eden Bann Cuties from 12-2pm and get ready to pamper and play with adorable baby animals. From piglets to goats, lizards, and puppies, these little creatures are the epitome of cuteness! It’s the perfect opportunity for some quality time surrounded by the most charming baby animals you’ll ever meet.

    Book a table now online or phone (07) 4922 3888

    Bistro open from 11am.