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    Bush Summit 2023

    Arena Beer Garden

    August 18 2023

    Start: 8:00am

    Finish: 2:00pm

    Bush Summit 2023: How you can attend events across Australia

    Regional and rural business owners, community leaders and industry heads are encouraged to register for a series of Bush Summit events in August.

    This year, the News Corp Bush Summit series is expanding across six regional locations in Australia, including New South Wales, Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Queensland.

    Politicians leaders and policy makers will be joined by regional leaders across a range of industries including agriculture, resources, small business, health, education, technology and employment.

    Register to attend a Bush Summit event at bushsummit.splashthat.com

    The Bush Summit series will celebrate and showcase regional Australia, address the challenges facing rural communities and identify solutions.

    Read more about the Bush Summit here